Evangelism Training Online

We have some online evangelism training available for you to do at your own pace. It is an introduction to evangelism, covering topics like, 'Why does God want us to make disciples?’ 'Who does God want me to talk to?' 'What do I say and how do I say it?’ and more.
Contact Dave if you would like to do the training.


Evangelism in Isolation Videos

Good Books on Evangelism

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Know and Tell the Gospel - John Chapman
A great handbook for evangelism from one of the great gospel speakers and teachers of our time. In his characteristically friendly and engaging way, John Chapman, provides insightful biblical teaching and a wealth of practical information on evangelism for all Christians. A must read for everyone who is concerned to take the gospel to our lost world.

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Evangelism in a Skeptical World - Sam Chan
Sam Chan, public evangelist with City Bible Forum in Sydney, Australia, has written the text-book for evangelism. This book presents field-tested methods that really work, getting past the defensive posture that people have toward Christianity so they can seriously consider the claims of Jesus Christ. A great book to have on the shelf and keep referring to

The Soul Winner - Charles Spurgeon
One of the most effective evangelists of all time, many people sought Spurgeon’s advice on evangelism and preaching. In this classic book he addresses a wide variety of issues related to evangelism.

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The Gospel and Personal Evangelism - Mark Dever
This terrific short book serves as a great introduction to anyone who is starting to think seriously about sharing Jesus with others. Dever explains the theology of evangelism simply and gives great practical applications for all spheres of life.

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Evangelism - Stiles
Stiles paints an inspiring picture of a church, not only with individuals who share the gospel, but who share the gospel together, creating a culture of evangelism. This is a short and simple read filled with encouraging stories that get you thinking about how to play your part in working toward a culture of evangelism in your church.

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Tell the Truth - Will Metzger
A really solid book the covers evangelism in depth from start to finish. The author says it is "designed to help you tell the gospel in a way honouring to God, helpful to others and liberating for you...It's goal is to help you recover the theological content of the gospel because only as your view of God is changed can you find the confidence, joy and gratitude

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - J. I. Packer
If God is sovereign over salvation, why evangelise? Does active evangelism imply God is not sovereign over salvation? In this short book, Packer shows how a right understanding of God’s sovereignty and our responsibility in evangelism


40 Rockets - Craig Josling
You want the people you work with to know Jesus but maybe you don’t know how to go about. 40 rockets gives you 40 short tips and encouragement to get you moving in your evangelistic efforts. Josling provides simple and practical ideas that can be built upon over time in your relationships with others.


Evangelism as Exiles - Elliot Clark
Suffering and exclusion are to be expected by Christians living in the world. This was Jesus experience, and is the experience of countless Christians living all over the globe today. 1 Peter was written to remind suffering Christians of their hope, and to encourage them to live good lives in light of that hope. Clark looks at 1 Peter with an eye to how to do evangelism in our time of ‘exile’ in this world. A great book for our time as Christians face increasing hostility and marginalisation in the world.