Bible Talk: Who is this Man? Mark 1-8

Who is this Man?

David Simmons

Isaiah 40:1-11

Mark 1:1-15


Mark 1-8 [Identity], Mark 9-16 [Mission]

"Mark became Peter's interpreter and wrote accurately all he remembered... for he had not heard the Lord nor had he followed him... but he followed Peter.

- Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, 140 AD

Acts 2:22

The Good News Headline

- Mark 1:1 - "Messiah, the Son of God" (Jesus)

The God News Lead

-Mark 1:2-3; Mark 1:7-8; Mark 1:9 Mark 1:11

-Mark 10:45 - Tells what Jesus came to do.

The Good News Proclaimed

- Mark 1: 15   -The time has come

-The kingdom of God is near

-Repent and believe The Good News

Who is this Man? 

Jesus calls us to Come and Follow Him

Guest Preacher